Date outside race

Friday, 8 April 2011

Why consoles suck and PC is the king

Consoles truly are the plague of the gaming industry: encouraging many developers to not seek innovations but instead to develop at a lower industry standard set by the outdated, inferior and obsolete generation. Without consoles, the games we play, and with most certainty, our technological forms of entertainment as a whole would be far beyond what we have today. I have experienced both sides of the picture, for consoles as a young ignorant child playing nearly all my games on, before later learning what I was really missing out out on and what I was playing was merely a watered-down version of the big picture that I would yet to see. With this said, I would like to share with you ten points why the PC is superior to the inferior console.

Yeah, I'm on the right side.

1) Cheaper Games:

Publishing and licensing costs used by Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo raise up the price tag on consoles. PC games don't have this "royalty" fee.

2) Mouse and keyboard support:

 The mouse and keyboard offer unparalleled accuracy and precision on all genres of games, many kids would argue otherwise because they've grown up on controllers, but we all know that those fidgety analog sticks would never out perform a good mouse and keyboard. The good thing is almost all gaming controllers are also backwards compatible with PC.

3) Playing online multilayer is free:

Theres no need to pay for some service to play your games online, unlike Xbox live users, who even pay for a connection that is free "P2P" while the PC community has dedicated servers which offer lag-free games and are not limited to a small "12 vs 12" game.

4) PC is upgradeable:

Thats right, every single component in your box is upgradeable, allowing you to fully customize your rig to your liking and maximizing performance. With consoles, you just throw it out and buy a new one.

5)  Free mods:

PC has always had a massive modding community, adding free new content playability to all your games. Besides maybe Little Big Planet, consoles are left in the rain for this one.

6) Graphics:

While consoles use outdated hardware from 2004, PC keeps moving forward allowing you to maximize your experience with the latest and best graphics, and highest resolutions, something only a console can dream of doing.

7) You're not confined to an online service:

Console users often find themselves trapped in this online service, having to deal with downtime, console-restricting DRM and silly licensing agreements.  PC users are free to do as they please.

8)  Old games don't get left in the dust:

Long after the publishers abandon their support for old games the community offers unofficial, free, support for these games. This tireless effort by its fans offer Bug fixes, enhancements, new hardware support, keeping these games living long past their expiring date.

9) Unlimited storage space:

Being another bottleneck for consoles, the Xbox 360 is capped at what ever it can fit on a DVD. Aswell the PlayStation 3 has to struggle with its turgid Blu-ray access and enforced installs. PC games can meanwhile, sit happily unabused on your simply unlimited hard drive. Sweet.

10) Freeware:

There is a massive, untapped market of seamlessly free games in the thousands available to the PC, which would cost you on the console. And yes, they're legit.


  1. don't have console anyway I think they aren't that bad .. but good reasons

  2. Agreed on pretty much everything, man. I'm saving up for a gaming PC right now, it's time to stop with the consoles and get on board the Steam boat.

  3. HELL! YES!

    Even though I am a 'retired' gamer... I still know where the real games are.

    Best thing to note: Mouse + keyboard. FAR superior to a controller for FPS games. Admittedly worse in racing games and platformers.

  4. Nice basket, im saving up for some new SSD's atm to put in raid 0 and a new LED monitor, and Azoo yes, you're exactly right about the mouse and keyboard, my lacosa keyboard and death adder mouse serve me well :)

  5. Very well worked out and i couldn't agree more! Just thinking about playing a FPS with a control pad gives me the creeps.

  6. i'm on the right side too *happy grin*
    where did you go bill ? haven't seen you blog for a while...

  7. You didn't have to say all that, you could have just said. Minecraft.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. While I do acknowledge you have some valid points there, gaming from a console is a totally different experience. Restricted? Maybe, but unique nonetheless. And I wouldn't brush off the console exclusive games from the image.

  10. Could say the same for PC exclusives aswell, so it really does cancel that out. Talking on behalf of myself, No console games really attract me, in a compltley honest sense. My all time favorite games are all PC exlusive: Men of War: Assult Squad, Il-2 Sturmovik 1946, Red Orchestra, Garrys mod.

  11. YES YES. I agree with all of this.
    PC gamer here.

  12. i agree, also you got better graphics, and more keys

  13. I like my xbox 360, but I definitely respect PC gaming for being the originals.

  14. Graphics are great for the PC, but Torrents are going to bring it down, or at least to indie level.

  15. what do you mean to indie level? People torrenting games wont affect the quality of games in that sense, if anything it will warn developers to make better games so people actual buy it

  16. They are slowly starting to raise the price on PC games to match the price of console games, while keeping the current price for consoles games...

  17. I am a huuge pc gamer. But I also have an xbox so I can play with my mates locally a couple of PES matches

  18. @Oatmeat, thats why I use Steam :P Its selfish for some publishers to do this, yet the PC has no "royalty" fees, they just charge this up because of greed.

  19. Couldn't agree more about PC being king.

  20. i used to PC game all the time. The social aspect of consoles beats down PCs though. If you and a few buddies want to hang out, you cant huddle around a computer no matter how its set up and play one game. Consoles are much better for more social individuals.

  21. TheStamos, I have lan parties at my house. A lot better then 4 people sharing 1 Tv lol.

  22. i agree, im a big fan of pc as well

  23. I just had a gameboy as console. But nothing beats a good PC.

  24. thanks bill. for your world.

  25. If I knew more about PC's, I'd probably convert.

  26. i agree completely. counter-strike 1.6 has been out for the longest time and yet there are still so many players who refuse to play the "upgraded versions" of the game.

  27. you are absolutely right sir

  28. I would have to agree with you completely. I like to cover my bases though, I use XBOX, PS3 and PC.

  29. I always knew PC is the best!

  30. I'm running a server using mixed parts from several old dreamcasts for multi-layer SSH tunneling. I HAVE BRIDGED TWO UNIVERSES!

  31. i was alwys saying that consoles are just toys...

  32. Very good points. Modding a game opens up worlds of possibilities.

  33. PC-gaming all the way man.

  34. ONE issue with PC gaming is operating systems. If you're on something other than Windows you get the shaft.....

  35. But what about nes. just sayin.

  36. i took a look at that Sony check it out tommorow

  37. I agree on most points, I do like some oldschool consoles though ;)

  38. yea
    the last console i had was a PS1

    but PC > all

  39. im hundred percent with the master race

  40. PC: The largest game library

  41. I was an avid console gamer, but when I played PC games, I was stuck with consoles till I got a gaming PC. I don't really game on consoles except my 3DS, which I also love. I game on some Nintendo consoles because their first-party games never get old to me. But yeah, I will always be part of the intelligent and sexy PC gaming race. I said months ago that consoles are for simpletons who have no clue how technology works. I have met way more PC gamers that are intelligent and hygienic than console gamers.

  42. we can play all console games using emulator
